Thursday, March 10, 2005

DVD facing an early grave?

The DVD format will be nothing more than a flash in the pan, according to the chief executive of Alcatel.

Speaking at the opening of the Alcatel Forum in Paris, Serge Tchuruk told delegates that cheap and widely available broadband services will sound the death knell for the popular storage medium.

This could have serious implications for libraries, in several significant ways. One of these ways being the provision of internet access, and also the potential for "streaming" material to users in their homes, or in the library. Libraries must continue to consider the technologication adaptations required to provide patrons materials in a time and cost efficient ways. These may include: ipods, personal dvd-players, laptops and pda's for check-out, in-library use. RFID may provide more security for these equipment items, but that is another issue...

DVD facing an early grave: "The DVD format will be nothing more than a flash in the pan, according to the chief executive of Alcatel.

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