Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union - Free Searchable Version

State of the Union - Free Searchable Version:

Search and analyze the the full-text of all State of the Union Addresses from 1790-2005. The State of the Union Address is an annual event in which the President of the United States reports on the status of the country. The address is also used to outline the President's legislative proposals for the upcoming year. The text is extremely useful in a searchable eBook."

OKCupid! The Are You a Librarian Test

OKCupid! The Are You a Librarian Test: "So do you like to say you're secretly a librarian? Or is that just what you are? Now is the time to testify. Actually, to test your knowledge of library science and library history. It's a brief quiz, but not an easy one. It's meant to separate the real librarians from the wannabees."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wholphin DVD

Wholphin DVD
Some more beautiful funniness from the kids at McSweeneys...

"Wholphin is a new quarterly DVD magazine lovingly encoded with unique and ponderable films designed to make you feel the way we felt when we learned that dolphins and whales sometimes, you know, do it."

Friday, January 13, 2006

BBC NEWS | UK | Librarians 'suffer most stress'

BBC NEWS | UK | Librarians 'suffer most stress': "

Librarians 'suffer most stress'
Fighting fires may sound taxing, chasing criminals demanding, but a new study says that working in library is the most stressful job of all.

Librarians are the most unhappy with their workplace, often finding their job repetitive and unchallenging, according to psychologist Saqib Saddiq.

He will tell the British Psychological Society that one in three workers suffer from poor psychological health.

The study surveyed nearly 300 people drawn from five occupations.

They were firefighters, police officers, train operators, teachers and librarians and were intended to cover the spectrum, with the librarians first-thought to be the least stressful occupation.

Unchallenging, repetitive

The research, being presented at a society conference in Glasgow, looked at nine "stressors", such as how much control workers thought they had over their working day, their workload and how much they earned.

It also looked at absenteeism, job satisfaction and whether work stress spilled over into their private life.

I'm a librarian in a middle school and I love it! I'm hardly stressed at all, nothing like the teachers are
Sarah Allen, Wedmore , UK

Librarians complained about their physical environment, saying they were sick of being stuck between book shelves all day, as well as claiming their skills were not used and how little control they felt they had over the career.

They were also more likely than other professions to be absent from work.

Mr Saddiq urged all employers to tackle the problem of stress.

"Although these findings seem strange at first, they actual show how insidious stress can be, and how it can have an unhealthy impact in any organisation," he said.

"Firefighters and police are trained to deal with the stresses that their jobs undoubtedly entail; librarians and school teachers are less likely to have these support systems in place.

"In addition, stress impacts different personalities in different ways, and different personalities may be drawn to different roles."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/01/12 12:34:38 GMT


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Is this the laundry?

"People flock in, nevertheless, in search of answers to those questions only librarians are considered to be able to answer, such as "Is this the laundry?" "How do you spell surreptitious?" and, on a regular basis, 'Do you have a book I remember reading once? It had a red cover and it turned out they were twins.'"
-- Terry Pratchett

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Androgenous librarian

The firm library makes it into the notes of the Anonymous Lawyer:
"There's someone new working in the firm's library..."

Friday, January 06, 2006

Personal Appeal - Wikimedia Foundation

NPR does it, and so too does Wikipedia...

Personal Appeal - Wikimedia Foundation:
"A Personal Appeal from Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales
We are soon entering our 6th year online, and I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission. Wikipedia is facing new challenges and encountering new opportunities, and both are going to require major funds.

Wikipedia is based on a very radical idea, the realization of the dreams most of us have always had for what the Internet can and should become. Thousands of people, all over the world, from all cultures, working together in harmony to freely share clear, factual, unbiased information… a simple and pure desire to make the world a better place.

This is a radical strike at the heart of an increasingly shallow, proprietary and anti-intellectual culture. It is a radical strike at the assumption that the Internet has to be a place of hostile debate and flame wars. It is an appeal to the best within all of us."