Friday, February 08, 2008

Digsby aims to simplify communication; we've got invites

Digsby aims to simplify communication; we've got invites: "Communicating with coworkers, social networks, and friends across the Web is getting more complicated by the week. Some friends use e-mail, your garage band members stick to Yahoo! Messenger, and you probably spend half your day keeping an eye out for your boss while you swap between an Excel spreadsheet and Facebook to stay in touch with your Web 2.0 acquaintances. Right now, keeping pace with all these groups requires some serious multitasking skills, but the developers at dotSyntax believe things can be easier. With a new cross-platform product called digsby poised as a universal communicator between IM, e-mail, and social networks, they're off to a strong start."

Note: I actually started using Digsby and it's pretty great. I think it might be crashing my system, so I dont leave it running, but it is a handy way to sign into everything at once and check on everything.

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